Monday, December 4, 2006

City Elevator Fabrik - Instruction for Export Market




WEIGHT BEARING CAPACITY: 250kg or 4 human beings of average size-weight

OŞ-1103 Appletree St 71-73


1: The lift-cabin VN-4/6 may be called by the use of the „call” button which is to be found on the panel normally located on the left of the lift door, though may be found on the right instead. Once the „call” button has been depressed, the indicator light marked „engaged” will glow. If the lift-cabin is already in use by other passengers, the indicator light „engaged” will already be aglow, and the „call” button will be unable to be depressed. One must wait until the indicator light „engaged” is no longer in a state of brightness, then one may call the lift-cabin by the use of the button „call”

2: Once the button „call” has been depressed and the „engaged” light is therefore aglow, the lift-cabin will shortly appear behind the lift door, and the indicator light „engaged” will cease its shining. Then, depending on circumstance or the burden of carrier bags, suitcases, umbrellas or other such items, using either the left or right hand, open the outer door using the handle provided. Once the outer door is open, the light bulb provided for your comfort and safety within the lift cabin will begin to shine. Then the inner door is to be opened by sliding it in the direction of the right. Once both doors are open, step into the lift-cabin VN-4/6, closing the outer door behind you. (Note: before opening the outer door, verify that the lift-cabin really is behind it.)

3: Once yourself and all carrier bags, suitcases, umbrellas or other such items are safely ensconced within the confines of the lift-cabin, the inner door is to be closed, simply the reversal of the operation of opening.

4: Having decided to which floor you desire to travel, locate the button corresponding to the number of the floor chosen on the operation panel. The floor number buttons are to be found in a vertical situation on the operation panel. Having located the chosen floor number button, depress it. Within a few short moments, if the outer and inner doors have both been closed correctly, the lift-cabin VN-4/6 will begin to ascend or descend, depending on the floor number chosen. The ringing of a small bell as the cabin comes to a halt will mark the arrival at the floor chosen. Then, using the handles provided open the inner, then the outer door, and step out of the lift-cabin, making sure all carrier bags, suitcases, umbrellas or other such items have not been forgotten within its confines. After stepping out, shut the inner, then the outer door, making sure that the light provided for your comfort and safety has switched itself off.

5: Amongst the buttons situated on the operation panel, other than the floor number buttons two more buttons are to be found, namely the „STOP!” button, and the „ALARM-HELP!” button. The correct use and operation of these buttons will now be explained.

The „STOP!” button: The button marked „STOP!” is to be used in the event of the VN-4/6 having already begun its ascent or descent and a passenger or passengers therein realising they have pressed the incorrect floor number button. Instead of having to travel to the wrong floor and then back to the correct floor, simply depress the button marked „STOP!”. The cabin will come to a halt, and one may then press the floor button originally desired, cancelling the previous floor button choice. The cabin will then resume its ascent or descent. The VN-4/6 Mk II has, amongst its improvements over the VN-4/6 Mk I, the capacity to keep the light provided for your comfort and safety shining whilst the cabin is at a halt, if the button „STOP!” has been depressed, saving fumbling about in the dark for matches, flash lights or other such luminescent devices.

The „ALARM-HELP!” button: The button marked „ALARM-HELP!” is accompanied by the symbol of a small bell. In the extremely unlikely event of the VN-4/6 Mk II coming to a halt between floors without having pressed the button „STOP’”, then the button „ALARM-HELP!” is to be pressed. The depression of the button will sound an alarm, usually a bell although in some more modern buildings it may be a siren, signalling to those present in the building that an engineer is to be called to the location. There is no need to worry, panic or scream, even at night, as the alarm bell or siren is sufficiently loud to wake even the most slumberous, and the City Elevator Factory has engineers on call 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Upon arrival of the engineer, calmly explain your predicament and he will effect the necessary repairs, professionally and efficiently.

6: If, during the travel of passengers within the VN-4/6 any abnormalities are noticed or observed (the lift-cabin travels at a greater or lesser speed that the one usually experienced; upon the opening of the inner door it is found that the lift-cabin has not stopped level with the outer door (+15cm –15cm); the light provided for your comfort and safety flickers or operates only intermittently; during operation creaking, squeaking, bumping, groaning, grating, rattling or other unpleasant noise is heard; the lift-cabin does not halt at the chosen floor but at another; upon depression of the button „call” the light „engaged” fails to glow; the inner or outer door does not open in the manner expected), then step out of the VN-4/6 and call the City Elevator Factory on 533-947 and, stating the location of the apparatus, ask for an engineer. If, due to the nature of the abnormality it not possible to exit the VN-4/6, then the button „ALARM-HELP!” must be pressed.


1: Minors under the age of 7 years must not operate the lift-cabin without the supervision of an adult. Minors over the age of 7 years may only operate the lift-cabin upon having read the Instructions and Conditions of Use accompanied by an adult, who makes sure the minor understands and accepts the Instructions and Conditions of Use.

2: Live animals are not to travel in the lift-cabin, domesticated or otherwise, with the exception of Guide Dogs for the Visually Impaired. If the corresponding conditions are met, then the following animals may travel in the lift-cabin:

Enclosed within a metal cage: 1 small Canary or Budgerigar
Enclosed within a strong transparent plastic bag: 1 Goldfish, or similar, won at a fair
Enclosed within a matchbox, securely closed: 1 non-poisonous Spider or Beetle

All other non-human creatures (Cattle, Poultry, Goats or Sheep, Cats, Dogs, Mice, Terrapins, Tortoises, Hamsters, Guinea-Pigs etc) must use conventional means of transport between floors, i.e. stairs.

3: Persons carrying infectious diseases are not to use the lift-cabin.

4: Further persons excluded from travel in the lift-cabin are those persons wearing smelly or soiled clothing; persons wishing to engage in horseplay; the intoxicated and those who through scandalous or inappropriate behaviour become a burden to other passengers in the lift-cabin.

5: The smoking of pipes, cigars, cigarillos or cigarettes is forbidden whilst travelling in the lift-cabin.
Roller-skating is forbidden whilst travelling in the lift-cabin.
The playing of musical instruments, the operation of transistor radios etc that may be heard by others travelling in the lift-cabin is forbidden.
Ice-cream, whether in a cone, bowl or other receptacle is not to be consumed whilst travelling in the lift-cabin

6: The „STOP” button is not to be used for purposes other than changing the desired floor of arrival.

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