Climate: Republika Zaranska is situated in the area of sufficient moistening. The area climate is continental, with oceanic influences. The annual average temperature is of +8 degree centigrade. The average temperature in January is of -5 degree centigrade. A medium of 31 days per year is about 3l degree centigrade and higher. The yearly average rainfalls differs between 700 and 1200 l/cubic meters. The hydrographic network is of 180 square kilometers.
There is a negative ionization. Although the climate is generally mild (due also to the fact that there are no strong winds) the differences in highs determine climate diversity; thus, the northern and eastern slopes of the Mountains are covered with snow from November till April.
Geography: The largest pant of the Republika Zaranska is geographically comprised into the Big Depression located on the Southwestern part of the Western Mountains on the river Zarand. The region is crossed by the European Road system and by railroad.
Relief conformation: The Big Depression emerged during the superior tertian after the crystal bottom of the earth had crushed. Mountains closely surround it. In the Northeast there are the Duhor Mountains with the well-known place of the annual Maiden Fair; in depths, on the horizon is the crested of the Metallic Mountains with the extinguished volcanoes ; in the East there are the Zarand Mountains with the reservation (protected animals and plants) situated on the Zarand River and in the West there are the Fisrus Nena Mountains having a natural soda maker like spring, place for an important holly celebration.
Therefore a relative small area comprises a large diversity of reliet forms (high planes, hills, valleys and small or medium level mountains) and also a great difference between the level of the earth-beginning with Pick Karabut of 1849 m and ending with Zang Village of 250 m). A percentage of 52% of the whole Depression comprises woods oriented towards South.

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