In the time of Strife it is important to know it that Our Beautiful Country open Arms to peoples of the Globus like here in the picture from after the Big War when Our Beautiful Country accepted many minorites to the demographic.

Now again, since the application to the CE, when so many countries close them their doors to to the Poor and the maladvantaged because of problems of a nature economic worldwide (the Crise) it is important for all peoples to know it that Republika Zaranska by its nature is a welcome place for all, for those left on the waves of the sea in little boats alone, waving to all and wearing raggedy garments of the other peoples because that is all they could finded floating about for help. There is no requirement for skill, only one must read it the informations finded here in Kronika Republika Zaranska to decide it if this is the place they really are want to live.
Remember, the life is beautiful because one can travel (as in description of the words of Khohotkin), even if the journey is not one decided to make through options offered to the choice!