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In the future it, is hoped it that Astro-Cosmonauts from Republika Zaranska who were studied at the Akademi for Science-Culture, will be able to visit it the International Space Station. In the era of co-operation of nations it is not any more longer possible to try to fly own rockets, like exampled in the picture. This is the only remained example of Our Own Rocket which was designed and builded here in Our Beautiful Country. Millions of Dinars were spended on the research from 1963 to 1965 and it was finally constructed 1966-1967, but was never shooted off.
Now, as mentioned, a new era is begun of co-operation and our brightest students are maybe to go with a mission in 5 years time to the International Space Station!

Last week were found on old scrolls writings of Ancestors. A little boy lost his dog in a Cavern, and went inside to looking for him. He hearded him to bark by an old pot, fished him out from the Cavern and told his Daddy what he saw there. This was a fact of Fortune, for his Daddy is working by the National Institut of Study of Old Things. Here is what the scroll writings say. It is a theory that it is not one language but maybe 7 dialects spoked by the people what used to living in Our Beautiful Country. Nobody knows yet what the meaning is, but maybe the words are similar.
Beilnstya film puwafil! Filmstza glosuz löst ort puzberuwafil vw wafgk. Wurmliec üroli solida olg fazusol, liebw gebzusolif. Dowc wodulari aktenzulari sit!
Beijo filmstya glortwad, losty ortwad sty ceglm styceil. Tyceglortyad wadi zurnkif troliea, so okiday lie ifayt daytrecw - azurea fox.
Beijnpu flimst glortwb kostwae opt suzadhlo. Twad wadglosuzafijns zusolifay vroliec poli! Da zus vrolie liecz, zoet tja! Irak foxt akten.
Beijo filosuyadi koprüyadikopt, opuya ruzadilört yadsty? Zurölgec ürolidaz polie oki faytsolida! Ayüs kifay gebzusoli fayüs okifay.
Beil filmstya églöruza glosuz kortyadikost ort, suzadikost üzbéglnruz. Wc zurölgec, troli solida. Ölifazusolge kiebyusnlieb gécz dayt polifaxurol.
Bdijosztad filmst glosuz. Kostzad oruzafi ruzad, uza zadi! Zurn trolida solida, olgecyur kida? Gda fazurnji azurnjida.
Babcac zurn troji solidazusok, mliecytsnl liec ida fazusol byt? Behloruzae film glosuz, lopty ostyc ruzad. Vybehlo zbehlost!
Happy Rabbits play the Music all over Our Beautiful Country, it is the time of Egg finding and chicken hatching, little lambs also running everywhere in the field! Enjoy it the time of festivity, and love them your friends and Family. It is important, to remember it that the Work should be happy, and still the hollyday. Happy Easter Time to You!
On the hot-heels of his first Kaset now Refis Hericip presents it his Second Kaset. Just as the first it is full to brim with favourite songs like "We drink the party...hey!" and also "Girl with the dark Eyes"
The voice of Refis Hericip has description by its deep tone yet chirpy nature. If you go to wedding-party, it is sure that you will hear the popular songs of this weathered performer. Since the age of three he was performing to his Family but a tragedy happened where his parents and brothers and sisters were accidented by a fire. Despite, he retained his disposition of cheeriness yet in some songs you can hear it the pain of the losing. Also in the funeral can be heard some of these sadder songs. So as to be seen, the music of Refis Hericip can be suitable for many situations of differing circumstance or option.
Available: Now
Price: 15

State Joint-Stock Holding Company "Zarpija" now has exclusive right of Import for famous drink of Emerald Island Irland. Itself a meal, Guinness Drink was drunk famously for many years by happy persons all over the Globus.